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NCC Organisation

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NCC Organisation in brief

The National Cadet Corpos is headed by a Director General, an Army Officer of the rank of Lieutanant General, who is responsible for the functioning of the National Cadet Corps in the country through the National Cadet Corps Headquarters situated at Delhi. At the State Level, the country has been divided into 16 Directorates covering all States and Union Territories. Each of the State National Cadet Corps Directorate Headquarters controls two to fourteen Group Headquarters. While Directorates are commanded by Brigadiers or their equivalents, the Groups are commanded by Colonels or equivalents from the Air Force and the Navy, NCC Units are commanded by Major/Lieutenant Colonel or their equivalents.

Civilian Staff in NCC

There are 91 Group HQs and 754 NCC Units spread all over India. The supporting Civilian Staff in various grades in these Group Headquarters and Units are provided by the respective State Governments.
